Digital printing is one of the main trends in the packaging market. Companies see this type of printing as a great opportunity to obtain functional, convenient and practical packaging. What is more, several studies confirm that the packaging of a products affects a very high percentage of the purchasing decision of consumers. It is therefore important to pay attention to the packaging design, customising it and using an original approach to ensure it stands out from the other brands. Being able to customise the packaging as much as possible is precisely one of the main advantages that digital printing has over the conventional technologies.

What are the advantages of digital printing on flexible packaging?

A bespoke design for each type of product, with no printing plate costs

As indicated above, digital printing means that the products to be packaged can be customised as much as possible. You can achieve a fantastic appearance by choosing different results in terms of variable printing. If you have several ranges of a given product, you can make sure consumers are able to quickly tell them apart by choosing a type of design or colour for each variety.

Short and medium runs at no additional cost

Another major advantage of digital printing on flexible packaging is the possibility of short and medium runs with many different references and with no additional printing plate or pre-printing costs on a given run. This means that special designs can be created for short runs, in order to produce special promotions or specific marketing actions in establishments.
If you company also tests new or existing products, digital printing is the perfect option for short production runs.

Lower stock

Being able to print short and medium runs enables you to work with less stock. This avoids the obsolescence of conventional technology, which requires minimum quantities for each design. On-demand printing makes this flexibility possible. And not just that: the packaging design can be modified whenever a new run is requested. This means that the design can always be adapted to the constant changes in the market without having to waste a large number of units.

Fast delivery time

Our technology enables us to make much faster deliveries compared with the sector average.  Thanks to this, we can adapt flexibly and quickly to any stock-outs you may have, to an exceptional increase in your demand, or an end of campaign that requires more quantities.

At Bolsaplast we specialise in mass-market flexible packaging. We specialise in the customisation of flexible packaging in all its formats, whether it be film or premade bags. Contact us or request your personalised quotation so that you can start using the type of packaging that is setting the trend.
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