The needs of consumers are constantly changing, and their way of consuming too. Products are transported, from one country to another, all the time. Once home, we may take them with us on trips or excursions.
Specifically, when we talk about food, these routes can modify the quality of the product, or alter its properties. That is why it is strictly necessary to have quality packaging.

Referring to dehydrated food, for example, its packaging par excellence is the doypack. Its preservation capacities are very high (for both liquid, solid and powder products). The materials that make it up give it a "light barrier" effect, ideal for preserving these dehydrated foods. In addition, being a flexible container, it allows the product to be transported without it suffering the consequences of sudden movements, extreme temperatures or blows.

The doypack format is very resistant. It is perfect not only to store, but to prepare fast foods within the same container, just by pouring hot water into it. Its practicality makes it the star format for packaging thousands of products, especially food.

At Bolsaplast Flexible we work with the best materials, including recyclable and compostable materials, so that your products have the flexible packaging that best suits your needs.

Contact us and we will send you a budget without obligation.
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