Choosing the packaging for your product shouldn't be only based on sales strategies. It is necessary to take into account many other variables such as a good packaging strategy which includes: an aligned design with your brand's corporate identity, as well as practical for the final consumption of your product and a differentiation from the rest of the products in the linear.

If it sounds simple to you, it is not. Today, choosing the packaging for your product is quite a challenge. Let's see what key points you should keep in mind.

A resistant and safe packaging

First of all, our product must be safe. Meet your packaging and preservation requirements. Containers such as Doypack and Maxibags are highly resistant and confer a high conservation capacity to products, as well as stability on the supermarket shelf.  Doypack format is ideal for food products, both liquid and solid. Maxibags are perfect to resist a great weight and to store large quantities of product, preserving its properties.

Ask us for a budget and we will inform you of everything.
A customized final touch

Each product, depending on its characteristics, requires certain packaging conditions. Bolsaplast Flexible offers you the possibility of choosing variables to ensure the best final touch for your product's packaging. From air valves, to self-closing (zip) or easy openers.

An exclusive design for your product

If we talk about functionality and safety in packaging, we also need to talk about design. It is important that the design of your product's packaging emanets the image of the brand, as well as the values that define the product. At Bolsaplast Flexible we offer you the possibility of customizing the design of your packaging, even for small runs, thanks to our digital printing technology.

At Bolsaplast Flexible we are at your disposal so that your product's packaging talks about your brand. Any questions, you can contact us or request a budget without any commitment.
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